REFLECTION Lauren Piskothy REFLECTION Lauren Piskothy

Lauren in Edinburgh: chapter three

Since writing my last blog I got to go home for the holidays and had a green Christmas in jolly ole FL, packed my suitcase full of brown sugar cinnamon Pop-Tarts and Annie’s Mac & Cheese (two of my fav things that are sadly not widely available in Scotland) and headed back to chilly Edinburgh.

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REFLECTION Lauren Piskothy REFLECTION Lauren Piskothy

Chick Flicks: An Origin Story

If you’re a woman and you exist, I’m sure you’ve heard people refer to The Notebook, or Sleepless in Seattle, Bridesmaids, the new Ghostbuster’s or any movie either featuring a predominately female cast or a stereotypically feminine plot as a “Chick Flick.” But where does the term “Chick Flick” even come from? I think it’s important that we learn where the term comes from and unpack whether or not we should kill it with fire or try to reclaim it. 

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