5 Email Newsletters for Up-and-Coming Writers

Image by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

Becoming a writer can feel as though you’re walking into an empty abyss with no clear direction. To help narrow down where to begin looking for writing resources, here are 5 newsletters you could subscribe to! They cover more than one avenue of writing— you may be an aspiring screenwriter, journalist, or novelist. As a writer, it is valuable to be exposed to more than just one type of writing.

1. One More Question

This blog and newsletter are written by Britany Robinson, a working freelance writer. She writes about her own experiences while also sharing resources to help you navigate your own career as a writer. It’s easy to think that you’re struggling alone in a writing career path, and this newsletter serves as a friendly reminder of the company you share. It’s nice to learn from someone who is also going through the highs and lows of writing for a living.

2. ScreenCraft

This website and newsletter are focused specifically on screenwriting. They send out deadlines for upcoming screenwriting contests and article suggestions. Their articles include a variety of discussions about screenwriting, from general writing advice to screenplay reading suggestions. 

3. Publishers Weekly

This website is centered around book publishing. Their newsletter includes updates on new book releases, industry updates, and insights into the future of the publishing world. Knowing what’s garnering attention can give you an idea of what kind of writer you want to be and what the market’s currently looking like. You can also edit your newsletter preferences to select which kind of updates you would like, for example— updates specifically about children’s books. It is helpful to know what’s going on in the industry even if you are not yet a part of it.

4. Not A Writer’s Club

This newsletter serves as a tool to motivate writers to continually develop their skills. It contains a combination of blog posts and writing prompts. These prompts can help you exercise your creative muscles without the pressure of deadlines or critiques. It’s hard to write consistently, especially when you’re in a rut. It’s a way to spark new ideas for yourself while reminding yourself to have fun while you write!

5. Authors Publish

If you want to know where to submit some of your work, this newsletter sends out article suggestions and lists of publishers currently accepting submissions. Even if you don’t feel ready to put your work out there, it’s so helpful to know what some of your options are when the time comes. 

Feel free to email us if you’ve heard of some other writing newsletters you’d recommend, so we can create part two of this post!

*all opinions expressed in this post are our own.

Makenzie Hice

Makenzie Hice is a writer who has a passion for storytelling. She loves exploring coming-of-age stories in both films and children’s books. She spends her time reading the works of Shel Silverstein and watching new cartoons to ensure she hangs on to the childhood imagination that drew her to writing in the first place.


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